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Alexandra Dewanger, BSc.
(formerly Obernberger)





Focal points

I offer speech therapy advice, diagnostics and therapy for children, adolescents and adults in the following areas:


Language and speech development:

  • Language development delays

  • Pronunciation disorders

  • Disorders of grammar, vocabulary and language comprehension

  • Auditory processing and perception disorder

  • Children, adolescents and adults with hearing impairments

  • Cleft lip and palate

  • Stuttering (disorders in the flow of speech)



  • Voice disorders - functional, organic

  • Voice therapy also for speakers and singers

  • Voice design for trans* persons


Facio-oral area​:

  • Swallowing disorders

  • Oral, eating and drinking therapy in children

  • Tracheostomy tube management

  • Disorders of facial and oral motor skills - these include orofacial dysfunctions, myofunctional disorders or facial palsy


Using selected therapy methods, we work together to improve language, voice, speaking and swallowing.


I look forward to accompanying you on the journey.

About me

I would like to support you in achieving your goals with individual and varied advice and therapy. Fun, knowledge transfer and very personal content should not be neglected.

As a speech therapist, I see myself as a contact partner for the development of speech and language skills, for improving the swallowing process, for developing your vocal skills and for other individually set goals.


I completed my training as a speech therapist at the FH Campus Vienna in 2015. Since then, I have continued my training regularly in order to be able to offer my patients the most informed and effective treatment possible.


I look forward to your call or email if you need further information or would like to make an appointment.


Advanced training

  • Oral, eating and drinking therapy in children (Susanne Renk)

  • From recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy to vocal fold nodules - (Michael Heppner)

  • Voice therapy for transsexuality

  • Basics of the use of NLVVT in voice therapy

  • Orofacial functions in the context of persistent pronunciation disorders with and without the presence of a dyspraxic component (Ulrike Becker-Redding)

  • From speaking to writing and back - therapy with children at risk of written language in the speech therapy framework (Dr. Silke Kruse)

  • "It doesn't work without parents."

  • Natural grammar acquisition and dysgrammatism (Dr. Silke Kruse)

  • Voice Breath Posture - Feldenkrais Workshop

  • The three pillars of fluent speaking - To achieve speaking success through combined approaches

  • Early grammar therapy in an interactional context (Nina Fuisz-Szammer, MSc.)

  • Speech therapy diagnostics and therapy for multilingual children

  • The modification approach in the treatment of children who stutter up to preschool age

  • Intensive seminar series for speech therapists on the topic of “Assessment and therapy of children with speech development problems” (according to Dr. Barbara Zollinger)

  • Communication-oriented, language-specific therapy for toddlers and children with hearing impairment

  • K-Taping for speech therapists

  • Tracheostomy tube weaning and therapeutic suctioning

  • Tracheostomy conference

  • Estill Voice Training Introductory Course

  • Advanced training conference in pediatric psychosomatics "Multilingualism"

  • Several years of singing training at the LMS (Upper Austria)

  • Symposium “Fit on Stage” (Vienna)

  • Symposium "appealing" (Linz)

  • Master's degree in "Applied Linguistics" at the University of Vienna (ongoing)

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