Alexandra Dewanger, BSc.
(formerly Obernberger)

Focal points
I offer speech therapy advice, diagnostics and therapy for children, adolescents and adults in the following areas:
Language and speech development:
Language development delays
Pronunciation disorders
Disorders of grammar, vocabulary and language comprehension
Auditory processing and perception disorder
Children, adolescents and adults with hearing impairments
Cleft lip and palate
Stuttering (disorders in the flow of speech)
Voice disorders - functional, organic
Voice therapy also for speakers and singers
Voice design for trans* persons
Facio-oral area:
Swallowing disorders
Oral, eating and drinking therapy in children
Tracheostomy tube management
Disorders of facial and oral motor skills - these include orofacial dysfunctions, myofunctional disorders or facial palsy
Using selected therapy methods, we work together to improve language, voice, speaking and swallowing.
I look forward to accompanying you on the journey.
About me
I would like to support you in achieving your goals with individual and varied advice and therapy. Fun, knowledge transfer and very personal content should not be neglected.
As a speech therapist, I see myself as a contact partner for the development of speech and language skills, for improving the swallowing process, for developing your vocal skills and for other individually set goals.
I completed my training as a speech therapist at the FH Campus Vienna in 2015. Since then, I have continued my training regularly in order to be able to offer my patients the most informed and effective treatment possible.
I look forward to your call or email if you need further information or would like to make an appointment.

Advanced training
Oral, eating and drinking therapy in children (Susanne Renk)
From recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy to vocal fold nodules - (Michael Heppner)
Voice therapy for transsexuality
Basics of the use of NLVVT in voice therapy
Orofacial functions in the context of persistent pronunciation disorders with and without the presence of a dyspraxic component (Ulrike Becker-Redding)
From speaking to writing and back - therapy with children at risk of written language in the speech therapy framework (Dr. Silke Kruse)
"It doesn't work without parents."
Natural grammar acquisition and dysgrammatism (Dr. Silke Kruse)
Voice Breath Posture - Feldenkrais Workshop
The three pillars of fluent speaking - To achieve speaking success through combined approaches
Early grammar therapy in an interactional context (Nina Fuisz-Szammer, MSc.)
Speech therapy diagnostics and therapy for multilingual children
The modification approach in the treatment of children who stutter up to preschool age
Intensive seminar series for speech therapists on the topic of “Assessment and therapy of children with speech development problems” (according to Dr. Barbara Zollinger)
Communication-oriented, language-specific therapy for toddlers and children with hearing impairment
K-Taping for speech therapists
Tracheostomy tube weaning and therapeutic suctioning
Tracheostomy conference
Estill Voice Training Introductory Course
Advanced training conference in pediatric psychosomatics "Multilingualism"
Several years of singing training at the LMS (Upper Austria)
Symposium “Fit on Stage” (Vienna)
Symposium "appealing" (Linz)
Master's degree in "Applied Linguistics" at the University of Vienna (ongoing)