Magª phil.
Evelyn Hofbauer-Pechloff

Children and youth coach
Mental trainer for children and young people
Specialist trainer for resilience
Many effective and varied exercises on important topics such as
finding your own motivation
trusting in your own abilities
staying calm, even when things are stressful
being able to concentrate better
dealing with strong feelings
manage conflicts and problem situations constructively
Focal points
About me
"To see clearly, it is often enough to change your point of view."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
What is important to me in my work is the realization that although things can sometimes "go wrong" in life, we ourselves are never wrong. If we change our perspective, new perspectives and possibilities open up for us. This is where I come in and accompany your child on their development process, listening attentively, giving impulses and encouraging them to take on challenges.
After many years of teaching German as a foreign/second language and extensive training and further education, I am passionate about working with children and young people in the area of personal development. It is a matter close to my heart to support children and young people in their development so that they can act responsibly with confidence, joy and self-confidence.
- Certified child and youth coach
- Certified learning coach
- Certified mental trainer for children and young people
- Certified specialist trainer for resilience
- Yoga teacher
- Language teacher for German as a foreign/second language.
- Conception and management of courses, workshops and seminars:
e.g. in the association Bewegtes Lernen in many Viennese elementary schools, Diakonie, Caritas, Rettet das Kind (Stmk.), WIKI (Graz), Deutschothek, and many more.
- Trainer of "Wiener Bildungschancen"(viennese governmental education programm)
My most important training and further education:
- IPE child and youth coach (Inst. f.Potenzialentfaltung, Münster, Germany)
- IPE Potential Trainer (IPE, Münster, Germany)
- IPE learning coach (IPE, Münster, D)
- Specialist trainer for resilience (ISO 17024 certified, Institut Mentalerleben, Vienna)
- Embodiment-Neurosystemic Coaching (BFI Vienna)
- Parent-child mental coach (ELKITA- Institut Re-agieren, Salzburg.)
- Kundalini Yoga Instructor Level I, (KRI -Certificate)
- Managing emotions in times of Uncertainty&Stress (Yale Center of Emotional Intelligence,)
- 2-year advanced training "The Power of Emotions" and "Relationships" according to Vivian Dittmar with Jana Chiara Greber
- Emotional Intelligence at school (course, Univ. Aguascalientes, Mexico)
- Diploma degree in Spanish, History and in German as a Foreign Language (Karl-Franzens University, Graz)
Please contact me for further information!
How does coaching work?
Coaching starts where things are stuck at the moment and begins by finding the reasons why things are not going so "smoothly". Negative experiences, e.g. in a particular school subject or with classmates, create negative feelings that don't go away on their own. Coaching helps to process these feelings and release blockages. Together, we transform existing negative beliefs such as "I can't do it" or "I'm not good enough" into positive ones. We shift our focus away from suffering and towards joy, with a clearly defined goal. If our brain understands what it is doing something for, intrinsic motivation arises. We find it easier to complete rather unpopular activities such as homework or studying on our own initiative.
We also fill our "toolbox" with practical tools to help ourselves if stress gets out of hand. Alpha learning techniques help us to concentrate and learn more effectively.
Among other things, I work with IPE child and youth coaching methods. These are based on the latest neuroscientific findings, have been tried and tested over many years and have a lasting effect on both an emotional and mental level.
Time frame:
A limited process of 5-6 sessions, which can be extended as required.
Important note:
Coaching is not a substitute for psychotherapeutic treatment. Please let me know, if you have any medical or psychological diagnoses, as well as if you are currently taking medication.