Silvia Gruber,
Person-centered psychotherapist
Psychoanalytic social therapist
Training in psychoanalytic social therapy in the OEAPS
Training at the APG to become a person-centered psychotherapist
Systemic constellation with Reinhold Wildner
Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) according to David Bercelli
Holotropic breathing with Dr. Wilfried Ehrmann
Transpersonal psychotherapy according to Stanislav Grof (Symposium 2013)
Training/artistic photography with Friedl Kubelka (photographer and psychoanalyst / use of photography in psychotherapy)
HS German teacher/artistic education/accompanying teacher (DAF)
Support class teacher
Advanced training
“Since it is very beneficial for health, I decided to be happy.”
(Voltaire, French philosopher and writer)
I started as a psychotherapist/person-centered psychotherapy 23 years ago.
Before that, I worked as a special needs class teacher with children with behavioral problems.
I then began my freelance therapeutic work at the Institute for Communication Education (headed by university professor Dr. Karl Garnitschnik) working with children and young people in individual therapy and in groups, always in close collaboration and collaboration with neurologists, special and curative educators, psychologists and teachers.
Since 2005 I have been giving individual therapies in a private practice. Since then, my clientele has included not only children and young people but also adults.
Since 2005 I have also been able to offer therapy through social insurance companies. (Partial refunds or full cost coverage)
In 2015, as a very late mother, I gave birth to my wonderful son, who changed my life completely and, with his spontaneous, irrepressible energy, never let me forget that it's about living creatively in the moment, feeling your emotions and full of joy of life to be.
I see my work as a calling and look forward to seeing my clients every day.
Being a psychotherapist enriches my life and reminds me again and again of the unlimited resources we have to find our happiness.
Consciousness creates reality.