Isabella Seidler, BSc.
Voice training
Speech & language therapist
Voice - & speech coach
Practice management
Areas of specialization
In addition offering consultation, assessment and therapy as a speech and language therapist for children, young people and adults
I do voice and speech coaching for people who want to improve their communication
in German, English and Spanish.
Voice disorders - functional, organic
Voice design for trans* persons
Disorders of speech: stuttering, cluttering
Language development delays and disorders
Pronunciation disorders
Disorders of grammar, vocabulary and of language understanding
Bi- and multilinguality
Phonological delays and disorders
Auditory processing disorders
Orofacial dysfunctions (& accompanying treatments
for orthodontic measures)
Feeding disorders in babies and toddlers
Oral-, eating- and drinking therapy for children
Neurologically caused speech and language disorders
(aphasia, dysarthria, apraxia)
Facial paralysis (facial palsy)
About me
Individual and personal advice is the focus of my work.
It is important to me that my patients, big or small, enjoy learning. In addition to jointly planning the therapy goals, I rely on my professional knowledge from various advanced training courses.
The aim of my work is to provide you with practical knowledge so that you learn to deal with your challenges independently.
My practice is officially recognized by the Austrian professional association as a teaching practice for students of the speech therapy course. I am also an NF!T® therapist and have received the CPD+ (Continuing Professional Development PLUS) certificate.
I am looking forward to meet you!
Advanced training
In order to achieve the best for my clients and patients, I regularly attend training events. As we work in a field where a lot of research is done and where new findings are constantly being made, it is important to stay up to date.
Diagnostics and therapy for multilingual children
Speech and language therapy for complex language development disorders
Intensive seminar series: assessment and therapy of children with language development problems (Zollinger)
Parental advice for late talkers
Patholinguistically oriented phonology therapy
Context optimization for grammatical disorders
Therapy of verbal developmental dyspraxia according to KoAr
NF!T® neurofunctional therapy of the mouth, eyes, hands and body
Speaking and voice trainer (Prologue, Cologne)
Estill Voice Training (Level 1+2, C. Mager)
Functional voice therapy (Heptner)
LAX VOX® with Stephanie Kruse - exercise for the care, healing and training of the voice
Voice therapy according to common therapy concepts (Thallinger)
Workshops on selected topics: Learning to see the sound of the voice, voice transition, register transitions in speaking voice treatment, Estill Voice Training in voice therapy,...
Voice, Breath, Posture – Feldenkrais
Desensitization and modification techniques for adolescents and adults who stutter
The modification approach in therapy with preschool children who stutter (Walther)
Parent work in stuttering therapy
Feeding disorders in babies and toddlers (Renk)
Oral, eating and drinking therapy with children (Renk)